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Aggravating a Pre-Existing Condition in Arizona Work Comp

I had an interesting case today where the insurance carrier’s doctor is saying that my client’s need for a total knee replacement is not related to his 1985 industrial injury because he had a prior non-industrial injury in 1974.  His argument is that, since there were already degenerative changes in the knee at the time …

Repetitive Stress Injuries – Carpal Tunnell Syndrome

Some people think that because they didn’t have a specific accident at work, that they cannot file a workers comp claim in Arizona.  Untrue!  Many injuries are the result of repetitive stress or cumulative trauma – the gradual effects of performing the same activity repetitively over a long period of time.  These cases are actually quite …

HB 2617 and Full and Final Settlements of Workers Comp Claims

As expected, the Arizona House Banking and Industry Committee of the legislature voted 5-1 along party lines (with Rep Miranda out of the room) to move House Bill 2617 forward. The bill would allow carriers and injured workers to enter into “full and final” settlements of workers compensation claims.  As I detailed in an earlier …

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