(877) 370 - 5788



Update on HB2617

Word on the street is that House Bill 2617, which would have allowed full and final settlement of Arizona workers comp claims, is essentially dead on arrival.  A wide array of interests seem to have lined up against the bill, including the Industrial Commission – the state agency who oversees administration of on the job …

What I Learned About Immigration Law – Some Misconceptions

I recently tried to help a friend with some immigration issues and learned quite a bit about our country’s immigration problems.  HOW SCREWED UP IS OUR IMMIGRATION POLICY?  First, let me tell you about an experience I had on an airport shuttle a couple of years ago in Salt Lake City.  I struck up a …

Injuries that Occur as a Result of Fights at Work

Some of our most interesting cases have been those where the injuries were the results of fights or assaults at work.  The general rule of whether or not these injuries are compensable is whether or not the subject matter of the fight was related to the work or was personal.  This rule applies equally to …

Injuries that Occur Outside the State of Arizona

Occasionally we’ll have a client who lives in Arizona who is injured while working outside the state of Arizona.  These injured workers are still entitled to benefits under Arizona law in several circumstances.  First, if they were hired within the state, they are covered under Arizona law (A.R.S. 23-904(A)).  Employees injured outside the state are …

Am I Entitled to Job Retraining After My Work Injury in Phoenix, AZ?

Many clients ask if the employer or insurance carrier is required to provide job retraining if their industrial injury prevents them from returning to the job they were performing at the time of their injury.  The short answer is “no”.  The long answer is that there are two other alternatives for obtaining what is commonly …

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