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Category Archives: Do I need an Attorney?

Why Should You Choose a Law Firm that Specializes in Workers’ Compensation Law in Arizona

Why Should You Choose a Law Firm that Specializes in Workers’ Compensation Law By Partner/Attorney Brian Weekley Snow, Carpio & Weekley These days, there are many firms that advertise as handling Arizona Workers’ Compensation claims. Any lawyer, or law firm, can make these claims. Many firms that specialize in Personal Injury advertise for and take …


Hernias by Attorney Nick Wearne Some work related injuries have special laws that govern whether they are compensable and how much benefit can be received.  One such law is Arizona Revised Statutes Section 23-143.  This section tells us what is required for a hernia to be covered under workers compensation.  A hernia is defined as …

Is Your Workers’ Comp Lawyer Working for You?

Something happened in my practice this week that made me think about client relationships. A client of another Workers’ Compensation lawyer contacted my firm. She was unhappy with her current attorney and wanted someone to take a second look at her case. I agreed to meet with her. I met with she and her husband …

How to Get the Most Out of Your Free Consultation With Workers Compensation Attorney

Not many professions offer free work.  When is the last time you saw a doctor for 30 minutes for free?  What about an auto mechanic?  An accountant?  So take advantage of the fact that most attorneys are available for free consultations on your case, usually up to about 30 minutes.  Here’s a few tips to …

When is the Best Time to Hire an Attorney in Arizona Work Comp Claim?

I’ve posted about this before, and I’ll say it again – the best time to consult with an attorney if you’ve been seriously injured on the job in Arizona is AS SOON AS YOU CAN AFTER YOUR INJURY.  I have met with too many clients who wait until their claim is closed or even after …

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