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Category Archives: Workers Compensation


WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PAYMENTS By Dennis R. Kurth, Associate Attorney Workers’ Compensation Specialist A workers’ compensation claimant in Arizona should know exactly how and when indemnity benefits are paid under the statute.  First, on any case where time lost benefits are indicated, the carrier must get wage/payroll information from the employer and set the average monthly …


HERNIAS IN ARIZONA WORKERS’ COMPENSATION By Dennis R. Kurth, Associate Attorney Workers’ Compensation Specialist Hernias, a very common type of industrial injury, are treated differently from all other injuries in the Arizona workers’ compensation law.  They are divided into two categories under the statute depending on whether they are purely traumatically-caused or whether a pre-existing …


MEDICAL RELEASES By Dennis R. Kurth, Associate Attorney Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialist     Medical releases can be problematic in Arizona workers’ compensation cases.  The Arizona statute says that the medical records of a physician treating an injured worker are not privileged communications that can be withheld from “interested parties” (insurance carriers) who need the …

Injured While Traveling For Work Outside of Arizona

Injured While Traveling For Work Outside of Arizona By Diana Robles, Associate Attorney           You may bring a workers compensation claim in Arizona in any of these three situations:   You reside in Arizona The company you work for is headquartered in Arizona You are injured at work while you are traveling outside of Arizona. …

Re-opening Your Claim

  Re-opening Your Claim By Dennis R. Kurth, Associate Attorney Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialist     One of the best features of the Arizona Workers’ Compensation law for claimants is the right to reopen a closed case for active medical treatment and temporary compensation anytime during the injured worker’s lifetime.  The statute requires that, in order …

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