(877) 370 - 5788


Category Archives: Workers Compensation

Motor Vehicle Accident While You Are At Work

Motor Vehicle Accident While You Are At Work By Diana Robles, Associate Attorney           What happens if your job requires that you drive somewhere, and you are involved in a motor vehicle accident?  If you are injured, at any time while you are at work you are entitled to workers compensation benefits.  So if your …


EXTREME LIMITS OF WC COVERAGE By Dennis R. Kurth, Associate Attorney Certified Workers’ Compensation Specialist     There are many misconceptions about workers’ compensation insurance, what it is and what it covers.  Most people have no contact with their state’s workers’ compensation system until they or a family member have a serious injury on the …

Are My Workers Compensation Benefits Taxable?

  Are My Workers Compensation Benefits Taxable? One of the most common questions we get around this time of year is:  “Do I need to report my Arizona workers compensation benefits or settlement proceeds to the I.R.S.?”  or, “Are my Arizona Workers Compensation Benefits taxable?” Almost always, the answer is NO!!!  Generally speaking, Workers’ compensation …

Workers Compensation and My Social Security Case

  Workers Compensation and My Social Security Case By Nicholas Wearne, Attorney Social Security Disability Department Snow, Carpio & Weekley Many workers compensation clients who are unable to return to work after their injury apply for social security disability benefits.  One of the first questions or concerns they have is how being on workers compensation …

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