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Category Archives: Workers Compensation


VOLUNTEERS By Attorney Dennis Kurth Snow, Carpio & Weekley   Volunteers are generally not “employees” and, therefore, are not covered by the workers’ compensation law if they are injured on the job.  There are, however, statutory exceptions to the rule for: volunteer firemen and policemen DPS reserves sheriff’s posse members VOC rehab clients of DES …

Police Officer PTSD Claims; An Ominous Trend

POLICE OFFICER PTSD CLAIMS; AN OMINOUS TREND By Attorney Dennis Kurth Snow, Carpio & Weekley In the last few years, in reaction to some very high profile incidents around the country, there has been recognition of the tremendous stress police officers are under as a regular part of their daily duties. The law enforcement business …

Tips Are Includable In The Average Monthly Wage

TIPS ARE INCLUDABLE IN THE AVERAGE MONTHLY WAGE By Attorney Dennis Kurth Snow, Carpio & Weekley Today it might be hard to believe that tips should not be included in the average monthly wages of injured waiters, waitresses, and bartenders but that was not always the case. In fact, for the first sixty-five (65) years …


THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AND THE YARNELL HILL FIRE By Attorney Dennis Kurth Snow, Carpio & Weekley The Yarnell Hill Fire was a tragic event that resulted in the deaths of nineteen “hotshot” firefighters on June 30, 2013.  Speculation grew about who, if anyone, was responsible for the hotshots having left a position of relative safety above …

Why Should You Choose a Law Firm that Specializes in Workers’ Compensation Law in Arizona

Why Should You Choose a Law Firm that Specializes in Workers’ Compensation Law By Partner/Attorney Brian Weekley Snow, Carpio & Weekley These days, there are many firms that advertise as handling Arizona Workers’ Compensation claims. Any lawyer, or law firm, can make these claims. Many firms that specialize in Personal Injury advertise for and take …

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