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Category Archives: Medical Care

How Does the Doctor Get Paid in Arizona Work Comp Claim?

One of the good things about Arizona workers/workmans compensation is that an injured worker has 100% coverage of all medical expenses related to his or her injury. Coverage of the injury can last for the entire lifetime of the injured worker. The insurance carrier pays the medical providers directly based on a fee schedule set …

Waddel’s Signs – Defense Doctors are the Real Fakers

One of the most common techniques that Defense IME doctors use to discredit injured workers is the use of “Waddell’s Signs“.  Doctors hired by the insurance carrier will say that an injured worker has positive Waddel’s signs to show that they are exaggerating their symptoms or outright faking their injuries.  The test is named after …

Where You Get Your MRI Matters (AZ Workers Comp)

I learned something new today — there is a huge difference in quality between MRI facilities. I was at an Industrial Commission of Arizona hearing where one of my favorite doctors, Brad Sorosky, was testifying. Dr. Sorosky has a great way of explaining things in ways that normal non-doctors can understand.  The carrier in this …

Cross Examining the Defense Medical Expert in AZ Workers Comp Hearing

In law school, there is a famous video called “The Ten Commandments of Cross-Examination”.  They are: Be brief. Short questions, plain words. Always ask leading questions. Don’t ask a question to which you do not know the answer. Listen to the witness’ answers. Don’t quarrel with the witness. Don’t allow the witness to repeat his …

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