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Category Archives: Workers’ Comp Tip of the Day

Ever wonder if those Ergonomic Keyboards really make a difference? According to a CDC report, “….there is little information to assist people interested in purchasing alternative keyboards. While the scientific evidence about whether alternative keyboards prevent musculoskeletal disorders is inconclusive at this time, this document provides basic information about common alternative keyboard designs and their effects …

Safety Tip of the Day:

 Safety Tip of the Day:   Don’t eat at your workstation and in front of your computer. Eating in the workplace saves time but, be sure though that it is not done near computers and other electrical equipment. Accidents caused by water must be avoided at all cost. Snow, Carpio, and Weekley

Most Common Safety Violations

 I was trolling around the Industrial Commission Site and I cam across the 20 most common citations for safety. It’s pretty interesting if you look at some of them because it is very easy to be in compliance and yet so expensive to have an accident. Most cases that we see here in our …

Workers’ Compensation Tip of the Day:

The injured worker must apply in writing to the ICA requesting permission to be out of the state of Arizona for any period exceeding fourteen days. The ICA issues an award either approving or disapproving the request. If approved, the claim continues to be processed in accordance with Arizona Workers’ Compensation Law. If you fail …

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