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Category Archives: Workers Compensation

Can I Reopen an Arizona Workers Compensation Claim?

Oftentimes I hear about what a crummy workers’ compensation system we have here in Arizona.  I always tell my clients that one of the bright spots of our Workers’ Compensation Act is the lifetime right to petition to reopen a claim in Arizona. Defining a Claim A.R.S. 23-1061(H) provides that: “On a claim that has …

Can I Sue My Employer in an Arizona Work injury?

  With very few exceptions, a worker injured on the job in Arizona cannot win a suit against their employer for injuries sustained in an on-the-job accident.  Even if the Employer’s negligence contributed to or caused the injury, the worker’s only remedy is usually a workers’ compensation claim.  This is known as the Rule of …

Arizona Workers Compensation Claims – Do I Need An Attorney?

I heard a joke once that “the problem with lawyers is that it’s the few rotten million that ruin it for the other eleven.”  Even I had to laugh at it.  Consumers are bombarded every day with ads from law firms represented by wild animals, cartoon dogs, and slick haired lawyers promising “aggressive representation.”  Everyone …

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