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Submitting Lay Evidence in a Work Comp Claim in Arizona

I have an interesting case here at Snow, Carpio, and Weekley that is going to hearing next week where one of the issues is how hot it was the day that the injury took place.  My client is claiming that he was working in a paint booth where the temperatures reached up to 130 degrees on the day in question.  The Employer’s witnesses are saying it wasn’t very hot that day.  So I turned where any great lawyer would turn for evidence:  I Googled it!!!  I found great evidence from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website about the temperature in Tucson on the date my client was injured.  I found out that a record was set that day for the highest minimum temperature ever for that date.  It was also the 6th day in a row of temperatures at least 13 degrees above normal.  I simply printed up the table and submitted it as evidence.  Who would have thought that what could be the winning evidence in a huge case would come from a simple internet search?

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