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How does the SSA Decide My Payment Date for Social Security Disability?

Does an injury, chronic disease, or other medical impairment keep you from working? You may be entitled to Social Security disability benefits. SSDI or SSI benefits can offer a tremendous source of 

Financial protection and security to a family. You may be wondering: When will my Social Security disability check come? Here, our Arizona Social Security disability lawyer explains the key things to know about how the SSA will determine your payment date.


Federal Regulations: A Five-Month Waiting Period for Social Security Disability


Unfortunately, you will not get your Social Security disability benefits as soon as you develop a qualifying disability. The Social Security Administration (SSA) explains that there is a five-month waiting period for virtually all types of medical conditions. For most people who have their application approved by the SSA, they will receive their first disability payment on “the sixth full month of disability.”


To be clear, the starting point for the waiting period is the disability onset date. It is not the application date nor the approval date. As part of the Social Security disability application process, the agency will determine a specific onset date for your disability. You must wait five months after that date to start getting your SSDI or SSI benefits. 


Monthly Social Security Disability Payment is Based On Your Birthday


Social Security disability benefits are paid on a monthly basis. In the late 1990s, reforms were made to the Social Security disability program that revised when payments are to be received by recipients. If you apply for and are approved for Social Security disability benefits now, the date that you will receive your benefits is based on your birthday. The current schedule is as follows: 


  • Your Date of Birth is from the 1st to 10th: Your SSDI or SSI disability benefits will be paid on the second Wednesday of each month. 
  • Your Date of Birth is from the 11th to 20th: Your SSDI or SSI disability benefits will be paid on the third Wednesday of each month. 
  • Your Date of Birth is from the 21st to  31st: Your SSDI or SSI disability benefits will be paid on the third Wednesday of each month. 


You can actually access the complete schedule for Social Security disability payments directly online. If there are any issues with your payment—for example, you did not receive benefits when you expected to—do not hesitate to seek professional guidance and support. 


Call Our Arizona SSDI Attorney for Immediate Help With Your Case


At Snow, Carpio and Weekley, PLC, our Arizona Social Security disability attorney is an experienced, results-oriented advocate for clients. If you have any questions or concerns about the start of or date of your Social Security disability benefits, we are more than ready to help. Contact us now for a free, no obligation initial legal consultation. With several offices located throughout the state, our Social Security disability lawyers are well-positioned to serve communities all over Arizona.

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