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Category Archives: Workers Compensation

Can You Negotiate A New Job With A Workers’ Compensation Settlement?

Finding a new job after being injured on the job can be difficult. Many people are forced into early retirement, or they struggle to find work that accommodates their injury. When you need money to make ends meet, your injuries prohibit you from working. It would help if you considered filing a claim through workers’ …

What Percent Of Pay Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that covers workers for workplace-related injuries or illnesses. In most places, employers must carry some workers’ compensation coverage in case one of their employees gets hurt on the job. The amount they have to pay depends on where they live and how much money the employee makes. If …

Calculating Workers’ Compensation: Simplified for All

Most people in Phoenix know that they need to pay taxes or buy insurance for their car. Do you know what you need to do if your company has a work-related injury? If an employee is injured, then their employer will be required by law to provide benefits such as medical care and disability payments. …

Can I Sue Workers’ Compensation for Pain and Suffering?

While Workers’ compensation provides benefits for workers when their injury or illness is a result of or was caused by their work, it does not cover damages for pain and suffering. It would be best if you spoke with a lawyer at Phoenix Workers’ Compensation Attorneys about your options before filing suit because there are …

Do All Workers’ Compensation Cases End in a Settlement?

What is a workers’ compensation settlement? A workers’ compensation settlement is an agreement between the worker and employer that requires the worker to accept a certain amount of money as payment for their injury. In some cases, they may settle the case out of court if it can’t go any further. It’s essential to know …

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