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Category Archives: Workers Compensation

Workers’ Compensation Return To Work Restrictions

After you get injured on the job, returning to work safely can help with the recovery process. It can also help you cushion yourself from the financial impact that comes with being away from work. This article looks at the different ways you can return to work under restrictions after a workers’ compensation case. Read …

How Does Workers’ Compensation Work With Short-Term Disability?

After sustaining a work injury or getting an occupational illness that forces you to skip work, you may have some concerns about income and paying your bills. In this case, you can choose from two options: workers’ compensation and short-term disability. They are two entirely different benefits some companies offer their employees. They aim at …

Do Small Business Owners Need Workers’ Compensation?

As a small business owner, you try your best to foresee and deal with problems before becoming a problem. However, if a worker is hurt at the workplace, the ramifications for your company could be severe- not only monetarily but also logistically. Owners of small businesses must be ready for the unpredictable. Workers’ compensation insurance …

How Do I Maximize My Workers’ Compensation Settlement?

With workers’ compensation, you do not have to prove blame for the incident that prompted your injuries. The negligence is not even called into question. Furthermore, your employer is not at risk of being sued. The issue that injured employees occasionally face with workers’ compensation is how cases are addressed. Insurers are for-profit enterprises that …

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