The future is often set in many unknowns. For instance, you could get injured or ill at work. This could affect your earning ability for a while or even derail your entire career. Consequently, it is vital that you protect your financial future with insurance policies such as workers’ disability compensation and workers’ compensation.
Both of these programs apply to you in the event of a work-related illness or injury. They protect your income while you are incapacitated or in recovery. But, is workers’ disability compensation the same as workers’ compensation? Here is an overview of the two policies and how they compare to each other.
If you have been injured at work and don’t know your rights, contact Snow, Carpio, Weekley to speak to the best Phoenix Workers’ Compensation Attorneys.
What Is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ compensation is a state-mandated program designed to protect injured workers. Its main aim is to help an injured or sick employee get back to work as soon as possible. Generally, workers’ compensation covers medical expenses and lost wages related to illness or injury. It can also cover compensation for permanent injury, retraining costs, and death benefits.
Workers’ compensation does not cover injuries or illnesses that are not work-related. This includes accidents that occur during your personal time or outside of working hours.
What Is Workers’ Disability Compensation?
Like workers’ compensation, workers’ disability compensation replaces a percentage of your income if you get injured or ill. However, it extends beyond the workplace. It primarily covers illnesses or injuries that occur outside of work.
Aside from disability insurance offered by the state, employees can purchase a separate policy for themselves.
Workers’ Compensation Vs. Workers’ Disability Compensation
Workers’ compensation only applies if your injury or illness is work-related. It is an alternative to litigation and covers damages for which your employer would be held liable. Thus, it is often paid to you through your employer.
Workers’ disability compensation, on the other hand, covers any injuries suffered outside work that make you unable to perform your work duties. In some cases, it is provided by the state while there is an ongoing dispute about your workers’ compensation. The state may request the amount back after the dispute has been resolved.
An employee could be eligible for both benefits. You can receive disability benefits on the same day you are eligible for workers’ compensation if the disability benefits exceed the workers’ compensation.
However, while you might receive workers’ compensation permanent disability benefits for a lifetime, state disability benefits are only payable for a maximum of only fifty-two (52) weeks.
Consequently, it is advisable to have both policies as part of your financial plan.
Talk to an Attorney about Workers’ Compensation and Disability Benefits
When it comes to insurance programs, the devil is in the details. Knowing how workers’ compensation and workers’ disability benefits work is key to protecting your rights. It can help you determine what benefits fit your situation and how to apply for them.
If you are stuck on a choice, consider professional help. An expert attorney can evaluate your situation and advice you on your best legal options.
Get in touch with us today online or at 877-370-5788 to consult with one of our expert Phoenix Workers Compensation Attorneys.