When should I apply for SSD?
by Nicholas Wearne, Attorney
SSD Department Snow, Carpio & Weekley
One would think that the best time to apply for social security disability is right away or as soon as you know you are going to be disabled. That is not necessarily the case. One of the things you must prove in order to qualify for disability is that you have a severe injury. Social Security considers an injury severe if it is going to take you off work for more than 12 months.
Often times if people apply for social security disability right after an accident or right after a disabling diagnosis and it results in a denial letter from social security disability stating that they believe the condition will resolve before 12 months have passed. If your injury or condition is very severe or terminal you are not likely to run into this problem and should apply right away.
I normally advise people to apply for social security disability about 5 months after their disabling condition began. It takes about 4-6 months to hear back on an application. By the time it is being reviewed a person will have been disabled for about 9 months and the argument that the condition will not last 12 months is much harder for social security to make.
If you are looking to apply for social security disability benefits and have questions about when is the best time to apply call Snow, Carpio, and Weekley for a free consultation at 855-325-4781 or you can find more information about us on our website at www.workinjuryaz.com.