(877) 370 - 5788

Tucson Work Injury Lawyers

Snow and Carpio opened a Tucson office in August 2010, to serve the needs of those injured on the job in Southern Arizona.  The office is located at 1801 East Broadway, at the corner of Broadway and Campbell (the small building next to the Starbucks). The office is about one mile west of the Industrial Commission of Arizona, where all industrial hearings are held for Southern Arizona. 
The office has been a great benefit for our many clients who come from Douglas, Sierra Vista, Nogales, Rio Rico and the greater Tucson area.  Although we are currently available in the Tucson office by appointment only, we anticipate having a full time staff member working in the office by sometime in the Spring of this year (2011) and a full time attorney by Summer.  As a Tucson native, Alex Carpio was especially excited to open the office. 
Snow and Carpio and Weekley is a law firm dedicated to representing the interests of those injured on the job throughout Central and Southern Arizona.  We are the only workers compensation law firm with offices in both Phoenix and Tucson.  The Tucson office can be reached at (520) 647-9000.
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