Settlement of Workers Compensation Claim
Many times, it is in the interest of both the injured worker and the insurance carrier to settle either part or all of a claim. All settlements must involve a bona fide dispute between the parties and must be approved by a Judge of the Industrial Commission of Arizona. Settlement of a claim prior to the claim being accepted are called “compensability settlements” and are the only settlements that can include future active medical care. Other issues that can be settled include entitlement to temporary compensation, supportive care, and Loss of Earning Capacity. For accepted claims, future active medical care can never be settled. Because there are numerous factors which determine what a claim is worth, and because insurance companies are for-profit businesses trying to pay as little as possible, it is always a good idea to consult an attorney prior to settling a claim.
Attorney Chad Snow is the Founding Partner of Snow, Carpio & Weekley, PLC. For a free consultation, please call our Phoenix office at 602-532-0700 or our Tucson office at 520-647-9000. For outlining areas, please call 855-325-4781 and speak with April to set up a telephonic consultation. For more information about Snow, Carpio & Weekley, please visit our website at